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The East Ayrshire Children and Young People's Services Plan 2023-26 supports the East Ayrshire Community Plan 2015-30 and our long term aspirations for children, young people and families which is:

Our children and young people grow up loved, safe and respected so that they realise their full potential

Aims and objectives of the plan

The East Ayrshire Children and Young People's Services Plan sets the local long term strategic intent for improvement in outcomes for all our children and young people and has been developed through engagement with local children, young people, families and partner organisations to understand what matters most to them.

The core motivation behind the plan is to ensure that we continue to provide the best possible services for our children, young people and their families in order that they are able to flourish and experience the best possible outcomes.

The plan also highlights partner organisations’ commitment to delivering these outcomes for children and young people through active participation in joint planning and delivery structures and has been developed to encompass the following principles:

  • improving outcomes for the individual child and their family
  • continuous improvement in the delivery of our services
  • partnership working
  • embedding the voice of children and young people in local decision making
  • keeping The Promise

Partners’ priorities

The plan also highlights partners’ commitment to delivering outcomes for children and young people in East Ayrshire through active participation in joint planning and delivery structures. The following priorities have been identified as key areas of work for the partnership in 2023-2026:

  • our children and young people feel respected, listened to and influence change

The Children and Young People’s Service Plan is informed and supported by the following:

  • working collaboratively we will reduce the impact of social and economic poverty on our children and young people
  • our children and young people feel safe
  • our children and young people have the best start in life and achieve their full potential
  • our children and young people’s mental health and wellbeing is improving

The plan is underpinned by a detailed actions for the three year period 2023 to 2026, which outlines the actions and activities we will undertake to ensure we achieve the best outcomes for children and young people across East Ayrshire. The plan also include an overview of the measures we will use to assess our progress in achieving our stated outcomes for each of the priority themes. 

Download the plan

Strategic framework

The plan is informed and supported by the following:


Contact Information

East Ayrshire Health and Social Care Partnership
The Johnnie Walker Bond
15 Strand Street

Drag your contacts in here.