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The documents under online forms on this page provide current guidance on planning applications, including guidance for applicants and agents, information regarding fees, information on development on contaminated land, design and access statements and equalities through inclusive design.

Please download the documents or contact us for further information.

Other planning guidance

Note: Planning permission does not grant a Building Warrant, even if the proposed development is exempt from the need for planning permission you may still require a Building Warrant.

Planning Aid Scotland                                           Planning Aid for Scotland logo      

Planning Aid Scotland (PAS) is an independent charity which offers free, impartial and confidential planning advice, provided by staff and volunteers all of whom are chartered planners.

Architects Registration Board

As a local authority we are unable to recommend an individual architect.

However, in order to safeguard members of the public, homeowners and developers and help them make an informed decision you can use the following link to the Architects Registration Board (ARB).

The ARB regulates the architects profession in the UK and maintains the Register of Architects in the UK and you can check that the person you are considering to use as an architect is genuine.

Contact Information

Planning and Building Standards
Opera House
8 John Finnie Street
Telephone: 01563 576790