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Who can apply for Housing?

Applicants must be at least 16 years of age and a UK resident.

Applications from members of the British Armed Forces serving overseas will also be accepted. You can apply in your own right as a single applicant or together with someone else and have a joint application.

Applicants living in specific circumstances

Applicants applying for housing whilst serving in the Armed Forces will go onto the waiting group and be deferred until six months prior to their date of discharge.

If alternative housing has not become available two months prior to their date of discharge, arrangements can be made for the applicant to have an appointment with a homeless persons officer employed by us in order that their eligibility for inclusion in the homeless group can be assessed.

Applicants who are leaving the forces due to injury or disability and require access to adapted social housing will be placed on the Strategic Needs Group.

Special consideration will also be given to applications from ex-service personnel and their families who leave the forces due to exceptional circumstances, these will include such individuals whose partner has been killed in action or dies before the date of discharge. Such applications will be judged on merit and an award of Extenuating Circumstance points may be considered.

Apply to Single East Ayrshire Register of Community Housing (SEARCH)

SEARCH makes it easier for people to apply for social housing within East Ayrshire. You now only need to fill in one form to apply for housing with the Council and the following local housing associations:

Contact Information


Housing: Cumnock and Doon Valley
1 Greenholm Road
East Ayrshire
KA18 1LH
Telephone:01563 554400
Housing: Kilmarnock North and Central
Opera House
8 John Finnie Street
Telephone: 01563 554400
Housing: Irvine Valley and Kilmarnock South
Opera House
8 John Finnie Street
Telephone: 01563 554400