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Your Head of Establishment has responsibility for all child protection issues including: 

  • establishing a positive ethos which supports and values children and contributes to their welfare and protection
  • ensuring that child protection guidelines are brought to the attention of all staff
  • making sure there is a named child protection co-ordinator for the school
  • developing policy and practice to meet national and local authority guidance

Role of staff

We expect our staff to act in the best interests of children at all times and, in co-operation with other key agencies, to protect children from harm and abuse.

Where there are grounds for concern that a child may have been abused staff will observe, report, record and co-operate with agencies such as social work, police, Scottish Children’s Reporter and any appropriate medical personnel.

Further information can be found on our child protection pages.

Data protection and freedom of information

Visit our Data protection and freedom of information page for information.

Privacy statement


In order to deliver services to citizens and communities in East Ayrshire, it is necessary for the Council to collect, gather and process personal data about residents, employees and other individuals. See our Privacy Statement which includes detailed a privacy notice for Education data.

Social networking and social media

In recent years, use of the internet and social media has grown significantly and the Council has policies which support and promote the safe, ethical and responsible use of social networking and social media.

This policy promotes a managed approach to social networking within East Ayrshire Council allowing responsible interaction through social media in a way that enhances communications and engagement.


The Council and all our schools are fully committed to terms of the Equality Act 2010. Find out more on our Equality and diversity page.

School inspections

HM Inspectors from Education Scotland inspect and report on the quality of education in early childhood centres, primary schools, secondary schools, special schools, community learning and development services, colleges, and residential educational provision.

In addition, Early Childhood Centres are also subject to inspection by the Care Inspectorate. Occasionally, early childhood centres and partner centres may have shared inspections by the Care Inspectorate and Education Scotland.

All reports are published and can be viewed on the Care Inspectorate and Education Scotland websites.

Contact Information

Child Protection Unit
Telephone: 01563 576728
Data Protection Officer
Council Headquarters
London Road

Drag your contacts in here.