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Digital champions are people who help others improve their digital skills. You can be a digital champion at work to help your colleagues, in the community, or for businesses seeking digital support. The work of a digital champion may include:

  • answering quick queries
  • offering one to one support
  • signposting digital skills training

You don't need to be a digital expert to be a digital champion. You simply need to be confident in your own digital skills and be able to explain things clearly. You must also be patient, enthusiastic and keen to share your knowledge with others.

What you will gain from this

As a digital champion:

  • you will meet like-minded individuals from across East Ayrshire and will be able to benefit from additional skills and experience
  • you will be supported with relevant training that will help you to work efficiently in your role
  • it's rewarding, you will be making a difference to the people around you

Our  'Being an effective digital champion' webinar hosted by the East Ayrshire Digital Access Network will provide you with more information on how to be an effective digital champion.

How to get involved

If this sounds like something you would be interested in please refer to Connecting Scotland: digital champions for everything you need to know if you are, or are thinking about becoming, a digital champion.

If you would like to become part of the East Ayrshire Digital Champions Network please contact us using the email address below.

Contact Information